Adopting Angels
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A place for women and teens to talk about adoption choices, and couples to discuss emotional travels through their adoption.
Hello!! We are Melanie and Tim, and are currently searching for a little girl to adopt. Asa we go throught the adoption process, we are finding ourselves with many feelings, anxieties, elations, and other indescribable feelings. We thought this web site would be a good way for us to get our portfolio out to birthmothers, and reach other adoptive couples in our same situation. So here it is... A place for all to meet and discuss this wonderful thing we are embarking upon, without pressure. Our hope is that someone will benefit and be blessed by this site, and will use it to send out prayers and thoughts to each other.

Site Updates
3/21/01-We're growing by leaps and bounds, More families added!
4/30/01--Busy month for couples. Many matches made!!! Congratulations to all.
NEW Families...
Adopting Angels is still adding families to our website. Contact us to join.

If you have any questions or comments you would like to share.....

Join us on our Message Board

We are considering starting an "Adoption Share" Program. This program will allow families to help support each other financially, to help offset some of the cost of adoption. If you think this is a good idea, or are interested in becoming part of the Adopting Angels Share Program, please contact us.Adoption Share Program


Everyone should know the love of a child.....
Brendan is a blessing to who his adoptive mother and father, Tara and Steve. What a blessing he is to their family.

If you are a family member of an adoptive couple or a birth mother and would like to speak with someone about your situation, please contact us at...
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